I have moved on to Tumblr. Much more convenient with the Blackberry :)
So I went to kim kardashian's website/blog and saw her fuscia lip look. omg! i love it. i instantly created a similar look. it was close. too bad i didn't take a picture of my face. hahah. oh well. i'll do the look again today and will post. below are the pics on kim's blog.
i love how she has dark eyes (first photo) and made her lips POP with the fuscia/hot pink lips. it's a good thing i have MAC's Girl About Town. it's perfect for the look :)
the second photo shows lighter eyes and with pink lips. either way it looks good. i'm usually cautious when it comes to having dark eyes and color on my lips but this look is perfect! i'd stay away with darker eyes and dark lips alltogether. you'd look like a tranny or a hooker.
Another makeup tip...
Wet 'N Wild Mega Eye Creme Liner is the absolute best. I know there are products like MAC's fluid line and Stila's Smudge Pot but i was very very surprised that Wet 'N Wild has the staying power. it literally stays on you upper, lower, and water line. it's only $3.99 at Rite Aide and you can't beat that. MAC's version is like at least $16. but i highly suggest Wet 'N Wild Mega Eye Creme Liner. it beats the pencil eyeliners too. also, make sure you have the proper brush to apply the liner. an angled brush would be ideal.
first of all...MICHELLE! i'm so happy that you got the 12 piece kit. you should have gotten more brushes they are to die for!!! my sister and I's next purchase would be the pressed powders. also, wow you got a lot of eyeshadows :)
anyway....i'm in tucson, arizona right now. effing hot out there. it's about 110 degrees fahrenheit but like around 7 pm it started raining. thunderstorm! sheesh!!! anyway, today we just drop out here and will be resting the rest of the night until the fun starts bright and early tomorrow:) but first we're hitting up the free continental breakfast here at la quinta! hahahaha. i think we're going to the arizona-sonoma desert museum first then on with san xavier mission del bac or whatever it's called, st. augustine cathedral, and el tiradito wishing shrine. there's so much to do!!! ugh. and it's worse cause it's effing hot out here. i don't know if this would be a place to consider moving to cause the weather is scorching hot!!! hahahah. but as long as we stare indoor 80% if the time then it will be okay. hahaha. our last day will most likley consist of canvasing out possible neighborhoods and places for employment. anyway, i'll keep you all posted. i'll post pictures and reviews :)
tune in next time...
i have this urge to cut my hair short...i mean really short like rihanna short. ugh! but i can't seem to do it. i want to but i feel like i can't pull it off. now i know i had really really short hair before. like in my lesbian days. ahahaha. for those who don't know what i meant was when i used to have a really short haircut and it looked really butch! hahaha. i have nothing against lesbians but it was a pretty bad haircut.
anyway i will provide photos of what i want at the bottom here...
and here's one of karla deras....one of my favorite fashion bloggers...she's totally awesome!
well isn't she awesome. check out her blog!!!
enough of this hair business. my dad and grandmother are going to the Philippines for 3 weeks. we'll sure miss them! but they will have tons of fun!!! i hope when they get back they bring some yummy polvorone, pastillas and dried fishies! yum yums in my tum tums!!!
by the way, i will post photos and reviews on makeup and my pretty pink box. it came in the mail last week so i will post photos of what i received. i will also posts pics of makeup looks i created on me self. hahahaha. i need to do this often so i can have a collection of what i've done.
tune in next time...
hello followers! wow i've been gone a very long time. i'm so sorry i haven't been entertaining you guys. i've been "busy." i went on a little road trip with the fam around california, utah, nevada, and arizona for a week. it was amazing! check out the photos on my facebook :) i still haven't figured out the whole posting photos on here ;) hahahha. i suck i'm sorry. i'm so not technologically savvy. eh. anyway, what else is up with me? oh my cousin, aunt, and cousin's friend from germany were here for 3 weeks. they also went on the road trip which made it even more fun. great memories for sure. they went back last week to their home place so now it's back to the same thing. oh the heat right now is unbearable! my goodness. it's been 3 days of extreme heat. in the high 90 degrees farenheit! wowser! california weather go figure! and it's only sping. sheesh. it's supposed to be rainy season during spring here but whatevs at least i got my tan :) it's a work in progress. the upper body is just fine with the crispy look but the legs are not up to par! goodness. i look like a ghost from the bottom half! hahahahha.
another thing...i think is interesting is that i have become a stud master :) hahaha jk. i'm only a beginner when it comes to studding. i found GeMagic at walmart this weekend! for those of you who don't know it's like a bedazzler. you cam put studs or rhinestones on anything like clothes, bags, shoes, candles, etc. it's a neat little apparatus. i thought it would be a fun thing to have when i feel like being crafty. so lately i've just been studding my purses.
those are the two that i've done so far. more to come. i plan on doing shoes/sandals next. i promise to share them to you all. i don't really care for the other gems. i just want the studs. i know that they're not perfect but i'll get the hang of it and eventually perfect the art of studding/gemming:)
now on to the makeup aspect. i bought russian red by mac. i have to say that it is by far my favorite red lipstick. i know that it is a true red but i think it looks awesome. and i think that everyone can pull of the red with this lip color. try it for yourself. ....sorry it's not a photo of me wearing the lipstick. i promise to next time photograph myself wearing the color. i'm surprised that i haven't pictured myself because i pretty much wear it everyday.
but right now, i'm looking into mac's cyber lipstick. it's a really dark purple almost black but with a hint of dark wine. it has a gothic feel to it. i guess when i feel down and emo i can rock that shade! it's really a unique color. i've tried it on at the mac store BUT it was kind of a messy process cause i didn't have any lipliner on to match the color so it was relaly messy looking. it definitely an awesome color. i have to really try it on my lips to fully understand and decision if i really want to buy it. unfortunately, no other cosmetic brands have a similar shade. very disappointing! well, i guess that's next on my list.
...thatschic.net swears by this color and her friend and her were playing with it and i think it looked amazing on them! definitely unique. i effing love it!
anyway, sorry if i put to sleep my male readers but this is good information for women :) ahahah. and i'm sure men would also love to see women look their best!!!
tune in next time!
so i have been told by people (sharyn) that it's been ages since i last posted something here. now, it is time to give you guys some updates. nothing interesting really. my 25th birthday was 2 weeks ago. it was fun. just hung out with friends and family. not a big deal or anything. but i had a lot of fun and very thankful for the warm wishes :) besides that, josh and i are going through a rough patch. we're working on it. so we'll see how it goes.
sharyn and i have been listening to a lot of lady gaga. she's really awesome. loves it. also, i really want to go to the NO DOUBT concert in may BUT no dinero. i know lawn tix are ony $10 but i want really good seats cause i LOVE LOVE LOVE No Doubt and especially Gwen Stefani!!! i love her!
anyway, it's friday and there is nothing on tv!!! boredom. i'm craving some carne asada burrito from casa guadalajara!!! mmmmm...
oh, i really want a maxi dress. it's a long sun dress for those who don't know :)
also, i would like my old face back! no acne, no blackheads, no bumps, no redness, no nothing!!! gah! it's so frustrating. i feel like a prepubescent girl! adult acne is not right.
as far as makeup goes...i got some new stuff. i will add photos on my next post. i have a new obsession of NYX cosmetics. it is a very good product. it is the cheaper alternative for my MAC obsession. the eyeshadows are very pigmented and the lipsticks are creamy and pigmented as well. again, i will provide swatches so you have an idea what the colors look like. i also got some MAC stuff. i'm really in love with red lips right now. so i go with bare eyes and russian red lips. it's a really great look. very classic. i'll also try to post pictures of my makeup looks. like what my eyes/lips look like when i do my makeup. in fact i should have taken a photo of what my eyes looked today. i did an electric eel & purple look. i'll replicate it one of these days and photograph it :)
anyway, i hope everyone is doing well. i will post again very soon...i promise.
tune in next time...