i have this urge to cut my hair short...i mean really short like rihanna short. ugh! but i can't seem to do it. i want to but i feel like i can't pull it off. now i know i had really really short hair before. like in my lesbian days. ahahaha. for those who don't know what i meant was when i used to have a really short haircut and it looked really butch! hahaha. i have nothing against lesbians but it was a pretty bad haircut.

anyway i will provide photos of what i want at the bottom here...

and here's one of karla deras....one of my favorite fashion bloggers...she's totally awesome!

well isn't she awesome. check out her blog!!!

enough of this hair business. my dad and grandmother are going to the Philippines for 3 weeks. we'll sure miss them! but they will have tons of fun!!! i hope when they get back they bring some yummy polvorone, pastillas and dried fishies! yum yums in my tum tums!!!

by the way, i will post photos and reviews on makeup and my pretty pink box. it came in the mail last week so i will post photos of what i received. i will also posts pics of makeup looks i created on me self. hahahaha. i need to do this often so i can have a collection of what i've done.

tune in next time...


apparently some of my friends check this on a daily basis. hahaha. probably more than me! i just checked this blog today and i saw that i had two comments on my last post!!! ahaha. i promise chonies, i will update often ;) 

so this morning i purchase a my pretty pink box. for those who don't know what it is it's a pink box loaded with samples from different beauty and cosmetics companies. 

each pink box contain sample sized products and 2-3 full sized products from different companies. this is my first time purchasing it. it only comes once a month. so check out my pretty pink box next month june 10th is when it goes on sale next. please visit the website myprettypinkbox to find out more details. i know you girls will love it. also...if you don't want to shell out ~$11 you can also do a mini sample bag that has 2-3 samples.

oh...i haven't been bedazzling lately. my "creative" mind has not been creative lately. i'll figure something out. 

i received my every minerals sample kit. it's my second one. sharyn told me to check out another shade of foundation. olive medium. pretty good. i think it's my actual color. also, SPRUNG blush is really good. it's my new favorite :) did you girls try out everyday minerals? i believe michelle did but i don't know if she ended up liking it. let me know mich! 

oh i'm really wanting to get this MAC lipstick called "SHOW ORCHID." it's pinkish fuscia. awesomeness. i know it's really girly which is everything i'm NOT! ahhaha. i don't know why but i'm really liking pinks lately. it's grossing me out a little but what the hell! if it looks good then it looks good. 

anyway, so jim's girlfriend, lara asked me to be her hair model. i guess she's trying out some new colors they have. i really don't know what she'll be doing to me besides coloring :) i'll probably end up getting a haircut after that. hopefully it turns out well. i really want my hair done like this japanese girl mika nakashima.

or this random japanese girl

anyway, i will let you readers know how it goes. if it turns out well i will posts photos. 

oh and tomorrow i'm getting my first series of the hpv vaccine :)

tune in next time...